
I’m Visionary and Inventor.
I’m sociable by nature with an eye for the eclectic. I enjoy being around others and are especially attracted to the creative world. The lead in the play, the artistic mind power behind the big idea, or the performer, I’m always shine. Others are drawn to me and admire me. I am thrive out in the world and appreciate being surrounded by other people. The only exception to this is when I am working in the creative realm, finding myself completely engrossed in a project for hours at a time.

Several projects and success in background which are approved by certificates, diplomas and recognition awards. Pretty well highlighted on local (Azerbaijan) and global media (US, Europe, Asia), TV interviews and blog post with and about me.
Speaker of many local and international events. Invited as jury member to few local and global events.
I’m member of such science associations like ACM and AAAS.